Get ready for the first review show on WUGR.BIZ that will review Komics(from independent creators), Movies, Music(underground, rock, hip hop, R &B, etc), Video Games, and whats new in those industries. Its called “In the Loop” It is sponsored by us at Studio 4 Hire and Freestyle Komics.
Find out if your “In the Loop” with the latest reviews on Comics, Movies, Video games and Music as 5000Watts, Dre Fire and Kay-Scholar voice there opinions to ensure that your In the Loop
Introducing “In the Loop” a review show for the everyday man and woman. We will talk and review the latest in video games, comics, movies and music. Your reviewers will be comic creator/artist of of Hotshot Michael Watson. Dre Fire from the Hip Hop world with amazing rhymes and great knowledge in the hip hop community. Kim Tran representing Thee Ohio State giving us not only the female perspective but representing the college student body. The show will be on WUGR.biz on Sundays at 8pm-9pm. You the people need to hear honest opinions about what is out there, from people that love what they do and love the craft that they are in.
Mike Watson artist of Freestyle Komic’s Hotshot, Emerald Quest and Studio 4 Hire. I have been doing comics for over 10 years and am the Editor and Chief of Freestyle Komics and Studio 4 Hire. Hard core video game fanatic and graduate of the Columbus college of Art and Design I have been trained in art,design, concept theory and idea.
Dre Fire local Hip hop artist from columbus ohio and I been rapping professionally for 4 years. I have done shows with Cassidy, Bizzy Bone, Twista, Slick Rick, MC Lyte, Ray Jay and many more. I have a thorough knowledge of not just hip hop but music in general and have a great love for movies, video games and comics.
Kay-Scholar dropping knowledge from the college grounds of Ohio State University. Follow us on twitter.com/ruintheloop and find our group on facebook twitter.com/fskmwatts , twitter.com/drefire , twitter.com/kay-scholar

First Guest Jayonna “JFAB” Fabro from “Fly and Fabulous”; she will toss in her opinion on the shows topics, talk about what she has going on, we will review Marvel Versus Capcom 3, P.Diddy and 900 trillion dollar poker chips, all the latest on summer comic movies, Dre Fire’s Minute of Fire and so much more tune in and enjoy. Check out Jayonna on twitter.com/jayonnafabro